Monday, 31 October 2011

Rich Quick

Who was who said that writing was a get rich quick fix?  They obviously had no idea of the work involved.  First you have to have you idea, then you have to have the time and the dedication to write out the first one or two drafts.  After that you need the courage to show it to an editor. Finally you need to make the publishers interested in you.  Easier said that done in this economy.  Mostly they are not interested unless you have an agent and the agents are not interested unless you have had at less two short stories published in such a way that they have earnt you money.  So not only do you have to keep working on your novel, you also have to churn out short stories by the dozen in the hope that you can find a magazine that will take them or a competition that you can win.  On top of that you also need to create a presence on blog and twitter, although hopefully they will be fun.  Still they are time consuming, especially as you have to comment on things other than your writing if people are not to lose interest because you cannot put down details of your book in case some horror steals your ideas and reaches the publishers first.  Who's idea was this?

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