Friday 14 December 2012

Strike Two

The house has struck again.

Regulars to my blog may remember that the birthday present I received from the house was a torn muscle and a trapped nerve in the bottom of my spine that felt like someone had drive the business end of a rock pick into my back.

Well, I can now report that the house has struck again - I have Achilles Tendinopathy.

I woke up with it about a week ago (life is running pretty manic here) and thankfully it is only in my left Achilles Tendon because what it means is that I wake up some days with an extremely painful tendon that does not want to stretch for love nor money.  Apparently it is a condition most sports people run the risk of as it is more common in those of us who use their legs for heavy exercise.  I'm pretty sure cycling twenty miles a day for several years counts as heavy exercise.  How the doctor explained it to me is that over the years of cycling I've been doing micro damage to that tendon.  That has caused minute amounts of scar tissue and to try and compensate my body has been growing hundred of extra blood vessels within the tendon to try and keep the area flushed with oxygen and proteins to aid healing.  Now something in all the lifting and crouching and stretching I've been doing to work on this house has resulted in one of those blood vessels going pop.

Sounds painful?  Believe me it is and not conducive to walking easily.  So I now have exercises to do every morning to try and improve it.  Most days its barely noticeable (the joys of being Autistic = low pain sensation, sometimes dangerous, mostly useful), other days it makes me limp worse than Mad Eye Moody (sorry for the Harry Potter reference).  What is more it could take up to six months to be truly healed so watch this space.

On the good side, despite the house's attempts to scupper our efforts my room is now painted, floored, coved and skirting boarded.  I have some of my furniture up and I've started unpacking boxes so here hoping that I'll be finished by the New Year.

The only thing is that I need to buy a new bed.  Now that I have the room for one that sits on the floor I really don't want to have to go back to a bunk bed.

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