Monday, 18 March 2013

Crazy Weather

O.K. try this one on for size.

March came in sunny, warm for this time of year and promising of an early spring.  Then, Saturday the ninth, it started snowing.  Yes, that is right, in Norfolk, it started snowing in March.  What is more, it didn't fully melt until the following Thursday.  Then to add insult to injury it snowed again last night (17th - 18th).  Granted, it had all melted by this morning but even so!  Snow in March!  I've heard of March 'In like a lion, out like the lamb' but I'm not sure of 'in like a lamb, out like a lion.'  I'm not sure whether that was part of it.

I suppose that some people maybe confused as to why I'm surprised that it has snowed in March.  There are probably places in the world where snow in March is quite normal, however, Norfolk is not one of them.

Let me explain.

When I was in Middle school if enough snow fell on the last day of the Christmas term to make a light smattering on the grass for three hours then we'd had a white winter.  Even when I was in High School we rarely if ever had snow that lasted for more than a week.  There certainly was never enough to close the High School for a day (more's the pity).

The first really snowy winter we had in my memory was 2009.  We had more snow in the two weeks just after Christmas day then we'd had in my life up to then.  It was especially interesting as my sister had gone out to Oman to see our father for the first time in ages and her flight home made it to the airport in Holland and then very nearly didn't make it home to England.  She was meant to touch down in Norwich airport at half nine in the morning.  The flight didn't make it until twenty five past eleven that night and that was only just because the sweepers had been out clearing the runway like crazy.

2010 was also very snowy and cold, with bouts of snow lasting on until January.

2011 bucked the trend with hardly any snowfall.

Then we had last year, which again had hardly any snowfall over the Christmas and New Year period.  Personally I think it was saving it up for January where it very nearly made me have to pull out of the panto because I very nearly didn't make it to Great Ellingham to perform in it.  Thankfully having a director/producer who owns a bed and breakfast saved the day.

The weather had calmed down a little over February but it seems to be considering coming back for one last try.

And politicians will still tell you that human industry isn't effecting the climate.

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