So the various newspapers have it splashed across their front that Rolf Harris has been questioned by the police in connection with the Jimmy Saveille enquiry. What is more, one newspaper resounds, his solicitor tried to keep it quiet from the newspapers! Shock! Horror! One more national icon has had his horrible misdeeds uncovered by the press! Or has he?
When I spent the time actually looking through the article I found that it had rather less substance than a marshmallow. It is reported that he has been questioned by the police concerning 'a sexual assult'. It does not gone on to say when this assult happened. It does not say who reported this matter. It is said that it is in connection with the Jimmy Saville enquiry but it does not mention that they are charging him with peodophilia and you can beat your last pound that if they were the newpapers would have that splashed all over their front. Another children's TV personality that has turned out to be a peodo, wouldn't they just love to have that to work with. After reading two or three of the different reports from the different newspapers I had discovered that Rolf Harris had been questioned concerning a sexual assult, the police have yet to confirm whether or not they will actually be charging him in connection with this 'crime' and that's all the newspapers have to work with.
The rest of the articles, such as they were, where mostly speculation, accussation and melodrama. In short, fluff, fluff and more fluff designed to disguise the fact that they are busily destroying a man's career and reputation with no more than a couple of hours at a police station and even that they can't decide on the contents of. For all the information they devulged it could well be that the police were questioning Rolf Harris on some event he saw connected with Jimmy Saville and the others and the police wanted to know about it with Rolf Harris as an unknowing witness to it.
People say 'well they must have known that Jimmy was a peodo if they were working with him'. I beg to differ. I know of a family were most of them were unaware that one of their number was a peodo until it came out that he had messed with his own daughter. It really is possible to know someone and not know them at the same time.
As for Rolf Harris' solicitor trying to keep it a secret from the press - well, I'm not surprised, concidering that Channel 5 has already decided to axe the two shows of Rolf's they had on when the police haven't even confirmed if there actually are any charges at all. I'd want to keep it quiet if mere speculation in the newspapers part was going to end my career.
And while all this is going on the newspapers are not reporting that the USA Senate passed a ruling that one of the companies that creates GM food can no longer be sued if people get sick after eating their produce. Apparently that is not worthwhile news.
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