Friday, 6 June 2014

Least We Forget

June 6th 1944.  The day the world changed.  The day the slaughter of thousands began to end.  The day that the madness of one man began to crumble out from underneath him and his.

Much has been said about the Second World War and the Holocaust, the truth remains - it was a blood bath.  The D-Day landings embodied six years of struggle in one day when the water turned pink with blood.

Can the mind comprehend the silhouettes of nine hundred bodies laying on the sand? Can the mind comprehend the attempted genocide of more than entire people?

What is sad is that the blood still flows.

We have had the Korean War, Vietnam, Bosnia, Ireland, Afghanistan, Iraq (twice), Africa and now Ukraine.

Can we honesty say that the Second World War ever stopped?  When all soldiers still die on beaches and beach heads?  When they lie bleeding on deserts and dust fields?  When the bombs and the bullets still rip the life from soldier and civilian alike?

In two thousand years can we say that mankind has come any where, when all that changed is that we have perfected our methods of killing to the point where we can wipe out all life on the planet with the push of a button?

Some how I can't say that we have.

In Memorium - least we forget.

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