Thursday, 18 September 2014


This is a subject that I've been thinking about a lot in recent weeks, due in part to someone asking me to try and explain what makes me different from other people.  When I consider that for any length of time I find myself going back to the moment when I first realised why people talked to one another.

It was when I first held my sister in my arms as a baby and I can remember quiet clearly the instant that I realised that here, in this little body, was a different soul.  Even now the memory of realising at this little being had a different soul to me can shake me.  The realisation that she did not think the same thoughts as me, did not know what I knew, blew out more of my circuits that I can explain even now.  It sudden knowledge that we weren't just two different bodies but two different souls was a revelation as blinding as the vision on the road to Damascus.

Before that I had been silent because I thought that everybody knew what everybody else was feeling and thinking.  I thought that what one knew we all knew, what one thought we all thought.  I didn't like talking because to me it was a wasteful noise that stopped the music in my head.

What is more, even now I will have a moment when because I know something I expect everybody else to know it.

Having been looking at this for some time now I've started wondering something.  Is it possible that without knowing the meaning of the word telepathy, the infant autistic mind automatically assumes its existence?

Is that why we struggle with speech?  Because we are expecting knowledge and emotion to transfer on a wave length of the mind, a direct connection of thought to thought?

When Isaac Asimov wrote about the people of Ghia in 'Forward the Foundation' and 'Foundation and Earth' who, when they speak of themselves, say "I/We/Ghia" was he describing the world that autistics expect themselves to be born into?

Are autistics the people who are reaching for an evolution, not of the body, but of the mind?

And if that is so, then what is the human race throwing away by forcing us to close off that possibility and live life on society's current terms?

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