Hello folks, again sorry for leaving the post later than planned but it has been a rough week. My mother's dog is dying of a crumbling spine and I had to spend Saturday digging the grave. Is it wrong that I could find it in myself to make jokes, however poor taste they where, while I dug? Or is it just the black humour that I learnt from my parents being in the armed services? Yes, I'm a sprog and have had that held against me in the past, when I was five years old in fact, by a teacher.
Added to that is the fact that, having run out of fingernails, I'm now starting on my fingers. Reason for this? I still can't get my cover files approved by the printer. This is beginning to getting to the point of being more than worrying and towards the point of out right terrifying as I now only have seventeen days before my publicised publication date.
Does anyone have any idea what 'Metadata' is? Because that apparently is what my book covers are getting hung up on. Apparently my bought and paid for ISBN is conflicting with the 'Metadata' ISBN. I wish that someone in the 'Help' department would explain to me what Metadata is and accept my e-mails confirming which ISBN is correct. I keep sending them but they are not replying.
Don't you just hate it when you send work off and nobody even slides you a note saying 'we received your work but it wasn't up to standard'? It is rather like applying for a job and the employers not bothering to get back to you but just reissuing the advertisement with the added note 'previous applicants need not apply'. Talk about rude!
So I must sit and hope that this batch of uploaded files pass the inspection and go through. If not then I have one more idea to try before I admit defeat, remove the ISBNs from the covers and swallow the fact that it will probably mean that I won't be able to send copies to the libraries or the Independent Book stores (don't bother trying to get your self published book into the chain book stores or the supermarkets, you'll never be able to afford the fees as we are talking hundreds of thousands.)
Here's hoping that this time I have it right.
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