"Dear Sadine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger,
Concerning the extradition of Captain Paul Watson.
I understand that this is a politically motivated order, originally sited by the shark finning barons of Costa Rica. Are you aware that these same barons have posted a bounty upon Captain Paul Watson's head of $250,000 USA dollars?
Extraditing him to a Costa Rica prison is not, no matter what you have been assured to the contrary, delivering him for trail. It is delivering him for murder.
He has be charged with the crime of stopping the illegal crime of poaching. If the perpetrators of this crime can use the law to prevent those fighting their crimes from bringing them to justice, then the law is a sham and government, the representative of the law, a mockery.
I remain hopeful of your sense of justice and obedience of the law.
Yours truly,
V. J. Bartlett"
Please can people copy this message and send it on to her, with your own name of course. It is really important that Captain Paul Watson does not end up in that prison. Nobody was hurt during the Sea Shepard mission in Costa Rica waters ten years ago and either was any property damaged. The e-mail address for the Federal Minister of Justice is on the Sea Shepherd web-site.
The voice of the people is the voice of God!