Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Madness in EU

So Brussels has had some scientist 'prove' that what is unhealthy.

Apparently water does not actually help the body stay hydrated.  Did somebody not tell these scientists that 80% of the human body is water?  And just how did they test to see whether water helps hydrate the body?  Dry someone out until they looked like an Egyptian mummy and the give them a glass of water to drink?  "No change in appearance?  Well looks like water doesn't help hydrate the body."

Why is, since time out of mind, when you find someone severely dehydrated you gave them little sips of water to rehydrate them?  What do they think makes up the greater volume of all drinks other than water?

Also, what on earth was Brussels doing, wasting their money on a study that is not going to help anyone and might in fact might actually damage the economy further because water can no longer be sold as a 'healthy' drink?  When they could have been studying something like making a wind turbine that is ultra efficient?  Or maybe a solar panel that doesn't damage the environment in production?  I.e. something that could be patanent and sold to countries that have money and who are trying to do their bit to keep the environment clean.  Sold, as in we make produce and give it to someone else in return for money.  Isn't that what everyone is trying to do at the moment to stop the world going into recession?

Or am I just being too sensible and clear thinking and solving the problem too simply? After all if it's not complex enough a politician won't understand it.

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