Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Speed Cameras

In light of the M5 accident I think that the discussion about speed cameras should be reconsidered.

Point one - speed limits are put there for a very good reason!  They are there to protect people, children and pets from inconsiderate jerks who do not automatically computer - built up area therefore there may be children/pets around = I'd better slow down!

Point two - speed cameras were put there to enforce this law since even before the cuts we did not have enough police men to do so.

Point three - the speeding fine is not just the government making money, it is your punishment for breaking the law.  Don't like the punishment?  Don't break the law!

Point four - considering how bad the M5 accident would have been if the vehicles involved and around them were going faster than 70mph, the government should not be considering putting the speed limit up to 80mph, they should be enforcing the law, as it is, with a zero tolerance policy and up the fine to at least 1000 pounds.  If you can't afford to drive your car, you can't break the speed limit and therefore put a live, or lives, at risk.  If this makes getting to work difficult then next time don't break the speed limit.

Point five - If you do not like this opinion please bare in mind this - speeding puts both your life and the lives of the others around you at risk!  If in the course of you speeding you hit somebody and kill them you are the one who must live with being a killer for the rest of your life!

Point six - If you do not care if you kill someone while speeding - what kind of human are you?

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