Saturday, 17 March 2012


It has been said that a belief in an all-powerful deity is childish, unscientific and in some cases, out right harmful.

I beg to differ.

First of all I must point out the differences between faith, which is a belief in a something beyond our mortal understanding and religion, which is the belief of some humans that they can make other people do as they say, using a fear of Divine retribution as their beating stick.

I have, I hope, a fair amount of faith.  I also have, I hope, absolutely no truck with religion.

To me, faith encourages kindness and compassion.  The act of going to a place of faith is an act that draws the community together.  When that happens friendships and concerns are shared, people become more inclined to help their neighbours and people are encouraged to learn the art of conversation with those they don't know.  In short, the best part of communal worship is just that - the community.

If one is encouraged to take this if view of faith then it becomes a way of breaking down barriers and encouraging co-operation.  Makes me wonder what would happen if our national leaders were made to express their professed faiths together.

And finally - if there is not a God, those of us who believe in him have lost nothing.  However, if there is a God...

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