Title: Rosinante Minor
Name: Andrew Farsight
Age: 36
Family: Son of Alexander Farsight (human) and Arizona Korey(Dormer). Both his parents died in a boating accident when he was three and he barely remembers them. He was raised in a State House on Dormer until he was detected by the Rosinante at the age of eleven.
Brief History: Technically Andrew was too old by the dictates of the Measure to be trained as a Rosinante but was also too talented for them to dismiss into the ranks of the Denied Zi'kka-ed. He was fourteen at the out break of the Dark Wars and was sixteen at the end when he crossed blades with Narkre Victor in the Battle of Englansia and struck the Nagus down.
Current Situation: Hunted outlaw. He and his teacher, Matthew Nemamer, were the first to defy Morgan Chandler and helped Vicereine Raquel to escape. As the 'Nagus Slayer', Andrew is the poster boy for the Rogues and sees it not as a glory but a responsibility, knowing that next to Raquel, the moral of The Rogues is focused on him.
Personality: Quiet, reflective, Andrew is the sort that many people would miss standing at the back of the room. As such people often say things in front of him that they wouldn't normally say in front of a Rosinante because they forget that he's there.
Skills: As a diplomat he is the sort that quietly encourages people in the direction they should go. He would rather avoid a fight than risk the lives of others, holding to the tenant that 'the taking of a life does no one honor', but if there is no other way to protect the lives under his care he will steadfastly stand between them and the ones seeking their blood. His Nimbus sword fighting style is closest to the 'Black Crane' a style that values grace and control over power.
Chosen actor: Kiowa Gordon (I figure Dormers age slower than humans and as most of his physical appearance comes from his Dormer mother, Andrew probably picked the trait up).
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