Title: Free Company Trader
Name: Crailco
Age: 37
Family: Rufuses have a different concept of family to human's, with the clubs being communally raised by the women of a 'pride' and the men providing protection and material support under the leadership of the Big Fang. The cubs' surname is derived from the name of the pride.
Brief History: Undersized and under developed, Crailco had been death marker by his Big Fang as a weakling of the pride and would have died if it wasn't for Harrison Felux. Harrison bought him from the Big Fang, who called him a fool for buying such a weakling. As it is, Harrison knew exactly what he was doing, as once you have a Rufus tied to you with a life debt, there is no shaking them. Crailco would take the bolt first before he allowed harm to come to Harrison. As Crailco is estranged from his pride he has no surname.
Current Situation: Harrison Felux's partner and extra pair of hands. Crailco is utterly steady in a fight and his feline ways probably keep The Eagle cleaner than Harrison would ever maintain her. Though Harrison hasn't noticed it, Crailco has, by way of well timed silences, encouraged his partner to think more of others first before he considers the profit margin. Harrison always believes that there is a valid monetary reason for his choices but Crailco's counts that as a mark of how well he does his job.
Personality: Crailco is the quiet one out of this pairing but he is very good at what he does. Having been spared death by the kindness of another (even if that kindness was self-motivated) he wishes to pay that kindness forward to others. Harrison's self interest could have derailed that wish but Crailco is better at manipulating those around him than many realise. Whether there is more to this than simply good people skills remains to be seen, Crailco may have a gift that even he doesn't realise is lurking in his head.
Skills: Good pilot, capable marksman, fast and quiet and has the benefit of in built hand-to-hand combat weapons. Believe me you do not want to be on the receiving end of a Rufus' claws or teeth. When together with Harrison Felux, he is half of a near unbeatable team.
Chosen Actor: Peter Facinelli
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