I've been paying a lot more attention to the view counter on my blog and I've noticed that the hits are beginning to trail off on my posts about the planets of the Dynasty in my book, 'The Return of a Nagus' so it is time to cut that thread off for a while and think of something new to tell you lovely people out there. And that is the problem, my mind is doing one heck of a big blanker on me. I've described some of the main characters, described the main worlds and now I'm not sure were to go next.
I suppose it might work if I could take a break from my writing posts and do some about my painting but at the moment I am really struggling to scrap together the time to paint, which is ridiculous as it is nearly summer in the northern hemisphere so the longer days are here. I'm just snowed under with a list of jobs as long as my arm that seems to be growing every day. Not only do I have a bomb load of writing commitments that I have to keep up with, I'm also having to sort out selling off some of my stuff to make space so that my partner can stop living out of boxes and we can start cohabiting properly. Do you have any idea how long it takes to organise selling a collection of tabletop battle models over facebook? Especially, when you end up in a bidding war. It is not easy trying to decided which one to go with, especially when they are spread out over several different groups.
So the long and the short of it is that I have more projects on the go than I really know what to do with and more keep popping up every day, especially as my partner and I are meant to be starting on a Gothic, science fiction RPG (role play game setting) together. We are talking over loads of ideas but we need to sit down and start hammering out the details on paper so we can approach the publishing company my partner is already a licensee with, with an outline so we can see if the project has any legs. I think that it does as I'm really good at writing the 'fluff', my partner is excellent at the game mechanics and my sister is as goth as they come and can 'scribble out' black and white pencil designs that leave me breathless, in about a tenth of the time it would take me. However, she really needs an outline to work with so I really need to do some 'Sit! Stay!' commands to both myself and my partner and create her one.
This is the down side to being an author folks, sometimes you have that many ideas bouncing around inside your skull that you barely have time to scribble down some notes on them, let alone decide which media they are going to take life through. I am really interested in doing an RPG, especially with all the research going on into how much they help people on the Autistic spectrum but it is going to take some time to do and then there is breaking into the market. It may look easy when you look at the big companies like Dungeons and Dragons but when you are the new kid on the block, then it is full of bullies who will strike you down so they can step over your body on to the next pitch. It takes guts, determination and sheer stubbornness (O. K. maybe stupidity) to make the ever moving ends meet.
The good things that have happened recently, to balance the scales, has been that I now have a pitch at the Tractor and Bygones Rally (check out my up coming events page) and I have had the request for the legal deposit to the Edinburgh Library. It might sound strange, being happy that I'm having to give away five of my hardback books for free, but it means that SOMEONE in the big system of literature believes that my book is going to go far, so far that it is worth having six copies in total (I had already done the legal deposit to the library in London) safe in the vaults of the MAJOR libraries of this country to safe guard its existence for the rest of history. Of course I'm happy about that!
I'd try selling your models on e-bay or something similar instead. Far easier to keep track of it all and you'll probably get a wider audience and make better prices too. From a buyers point of view, I don't like the way a lot of people sell models on Facebook anyway, I've made offers on a couple of things but have either had no reply or had a reply after 5 or 6 days to say "sorry, sold it last week".
ReplyDeleteGood luck with Gloomlight!