Sunday, 24 January 2016

Jobs Lots

If only I could sell them off as lots at an auction but if I did then they would no longer be my stories or my artwork so on with the show.

Know that it has been rather slow with the news on my blog recently but my husband has been cashing in the last of his holiday so has rather been hogging the computer to work his way through the I.C.T. degree that he's hoping will lead into a better job.  It's a case of two courses down and seven more to go so he's got a lot of work to cram in before June when his payment for the degree times out.  So I don't grudge him the hogging of the computer but it has meant that now he's back at work I do rather have a lot of catch up of my own to do.  Try over seventy emails for a start.  Working through that lot took several hours earlier this evening and I'm not even going to mention facebook.  That was rather like opening the cupboard and having a tidal wave of Tribbles fall out on top of you. (Sorry for the Star Trek reference but I did watch that show when I was a child and it probably had some baring on my own sci-fi writing.  That and it was one of the funniest moments in the original series.)

As part of my catch up work I am trying to post another Patreon post.  Trying is the word that is over working in that sentence as I have posted in total three Patreon posts.  However, only my first one appears to still be in existence, the other two having vanished into the ether as if swallowed by the ninth level of the internet.  Why this should be I have no idea but as you can imagine it rather ticks me off as it does explain why my husband, who has been on Patreon a shorter period of time than me, has patrons and is receiving a small amount of funding while I do not.  I'm not entirely sure what I am doing wrong as I am filling out all the boxes and clicking the 'Post Now' button, which I assumed was what one needed to do to make a Patreon post.  I'm sure that there is a reason why this method suffices for blogger and not Patreon but I am beginning to consider hitting the 'Post Now' button with my fist.

The other thing that rather makes all this catch up work rather pressing is that there are now only three weeks before the infant distraction is due to arrive.  That is of course assuming that he doesn't follow the family tendency for the last five generations and arrive early.  Considering he dropped two weeks back so that I can now breath easily again and I haven't had a day go by where I haven't had a serious practise moment since then I'm beginning to wonder.  I'll let you know the moment he gives me five minutes to think once he's arrived.

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