Monday, 1 February 2016


Having a bit of a down turn on the productivity side at the moment.  Not only are we still waiting for the little wiglet to make his appearance but I've had a right snot banger of a cold.  It probably wasn't helped by having to have a glucoses resistance test to stop the midwife harping on at me.  Apparently my bump is too big so she was getting all twitchy about my having pregnancy diabetes, which apparently makes babies grow too big to be born naturally.  Well the test came back 'normal, no further action required' so now I have no idea why my baby bump is bigger than normal.  Personally the medics would probably save a lot of time and money, as well as worry, if it was routine for expectant mothers to have one last ultrasound at 36/37 weeks because at that point the skull and pelvis could be measured and any concerns about size flagged up then.

Any way, as for the glucose test itself - I'd had an interesting cough since the weekend and then I had to starve from midnight on Tuesday, be up at half six on Wednesday, be at the hospital for half eight, have a starving blood test, drink about half a litre of glucose water (tasted like icing sugar in water), wait an hour, have another vial of blood taken, wait another hour, have a third vial taken and then I was finally allowed to have something to drink and breakfast.  That was about twelve hours without food, or even much in the way of water.  Is it really surprising that the next day my throat was sore and my neck glands in the process of swelling up?  So instead of spending the last of the week working to produce stuff to sell for the rest of the year, I spent it feeling like mould and dosing myself with every cold and flu remedy I have found that works on me.  The most effective I've found is home made, extra strong garlic butter.  It makes you stink but it boils the germs out of your system just about as fast as they can go.

I am now just about in the last stages of the cold i.e. stuffy nose and glue ear so I'm finally back to work.  How long that is going to last depends on the little passenger.

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