Monday, 3 February 2014

Coca-Cola as a... HEALTH Drink?

O.K. O.K. dig this.  Apparently under new EU regulation on using fructose Coca-Cola will be able to claim that it's drinks are healthier that those of it's competition.  There's only one small problem with this and that is that consuming high levels of fructose is a leading cause of obesity in most of the known world.

In fact, if you stop and think about it, then anyone who has a basic knowledge of nutrition knows that consuming excessive amounts of sugar without doing the exercise to work it off leads to weigh gain.  However, when the food companies can bamboozle us with misleading labelling it becomes more difficult to know what is the healthy option and what is not.

The decision to label fructose as a 'healthy' food was made by the EU Food Standards Agency in Parma, Italy.  The EU Food Standards Agency is meant to serve and protect the people that consume food within the EU but this is the Agency that refuses to challenge the Food Industry over the use of MSG (banned in the USA as a health risk) in our food.

Fructose is used as a cheap alternative to other forms of sugar. In moderation, it can be better than some other sugars. But some forms are considered so bad for your health that they are banned in many countries. So it seems bizarre that the EU will allow the likes of Coca-Cola, Nestle and others to claim that their soft drinks, chocolate bars and sugary cereals are healthier for us.

When the Agency that is meant to protect us is powerless then it is up to the consumer to make the food industry listen to us and stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes.  What is more, this isn't the first time when the consumer has had to stand up and tell the food industry that it was going to take responsibility for its actions. When Nestle tried to suck a Canadian town dry of its natural water, hundreds of thousands of us came together and forced Nestle to drop its plans. Now it seems that we need to step up and protect consumers across Europe from food industry lobbying and tell the EU Food Standards Agency to think again about how it label fructose.

If you want here's the link to add your name to the petition that is already running.
Tell the EU Food Standards Agency to protect consumers and stand up to food industry lobbying on fructose.

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