Wednesday, 18 February 2015

One Step But Many of Them

Alright, for once I have good news to report on all sides.

I've finally completed the art commission that I was given at the beginning of January so I'm now just waiting for the finally viewing.  If it passes the costumer's scrutiny then I'll be able to count that one as another success and another project completed in totality.  I know I said that I've completed it but a commission is never fully done until the costumer has seen it and proclaimed themselves happy with it.

I have also unloaded the cover and content files for both the soft back and hardback versions of my novels to Drivethrufiction and I am now just awaiting approval from their end to be able to order the proof copy.  As long as everything goes smooth (just for once pretty please let it go smooth) then every thing should be running right for the provisional publication date that I have set for the end of March.

It is a provisional publication date, which is why I am not making it public yet but publication is getting that close that I am beginning to plan on which date I am going to finally plug in and tell the world 'I am published!  Come here to buy my stuff!'  I'm even daring to begin to look forward to the whole thing!

Out of all of this a huge thank you to my boyfriend, Stormwell Hughes, who has taken my hand and literally walked me baby step at a time through layout, book cover, download and upload to get me here and who is now with standing my near constant squeeing.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Big squee!

On a more serious note, I hope that everyone liked the cover artwork that I displayed in the last post.  It is my own work so comments are always welcome, even if they are critical (how else am I meant to get better).

Also if you would like me to a commission for you then please contact me on either:

Or find me on facebook as V. J. Bartlett and send a friend request.  I check both email and facebook twice a week so I will contact you as fast as possible.

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