Sunday, 24 May 2015

Eastern German Shepherd Rescue Fund Raiser

For the first time ever, I have just been rained on in a professional capacity.

The weather this morning was fair with just a hint of grey around the edges when I was rudely poked awake by the alarm pinging in my ear.  It is a good thing that I place my alarm clock on the other side of the room to the bed as it gives me just long enough to wake up enough to remember that my alarm is also my phone and therefore I cannot afford to smash it.

Once up and in my stall holders gear I headed off to the Eastern German Shepherd Rescue (EGSR) Fund Raiser day.  Going to this event had been arranged within one week so I was rather apprehensive about it.  As it is, disaster struck from Mother Nature in the form of some very large, ugly and more importantly wet, clouds.

It has rained on my parade on and off all day and as I'm only just starting out I have not as yet been able to afford either the time or the money to invest in a gazebo, tent, awning or other such structure to kept the rain off my head at outdoor fairs and more importantly off my stock.

So today has been spent covering and uncovering my stock between rain showers while I stood there, looking up into the sky muttering 'please don't rain, please don't rain, PLEASE don't rain.'  Apparently today was not my day for God to be on my particular phone line as it rained and rained and rained.

I still managed to sell one of my hardbacks this morning to a lady who said that she collects signed copies of the first editions of books from authors in the time BEFORE they become famous, so someone thinks my story has the power to become a best seller.  However, that was this morning before the first rain shower.

I then managed to sell a paperback in one of the periods where the rain went off for a break and finally I managed to sell two more after the rain finally wandered off and the sun started coming out.  That however was just before all the stall holders gave up for the day and went home.  Trading time was until ten o'clock tonight and I would have stayed to make up for time lost but since I was down in the far corner from the gate, once everyone else had tidied up around me there was no real point in staying.  Nobody was coming down to see what was on the lone, little stall, when there was the fun of the live music to be had at the far end of the field.

Still with a total of three paperbacks sold and one hardback I count the day as successful but I'm exhausted and I can't help but curse the weather as if the sun had come out at half one after the first bout of rain I could have doubled my sales and still had plenty to take to Games Expo next week.

The joys of living in Britain.

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